New South Wales Regulations

Links to sources for Regulations, with scope notes and search tips. See also which version of the legislation do I need?


Current Regulations

Current versions of Regulations, i.e. with amendments consolidated into the text.

NSW Legislation
  • Browse by title to find current Regulations.
  • To search the full text of all current Regulations, click on ‘search’ in the blue menu bar.
  • To search within a particular Regulation, locate the item and then click on the ‘search title’ link at the top of the screen.
  • To find the Regulations made under a particular Act, locate the Act, then click on the ‘Regulations’ link at the top of the screen.
  • HTML versions of consolidated Regulations  are authorised. PDF versions of consolidated Regulations are not authorised. Database provided by NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office.
  • Type in the name of the Regulation in the ‘keywords’ field and the year in the ‘year from’ field. Set the jurisdiction to ‘NSW’ and the document type to ‘principal Regulation’.
  • Each Regulation on Lawlex has a ‘home page’ – click on the title of the Regulation to link to the current version of the Regulation on the NSW Legislation website.
  • You can also browse legislation by subject  – scroll down past the alphabetic index to find the subject index.
  • Type in the name of the Regulation – matching titles will appear as you type. Click on the relevant item to be taken directly to that Regulation on NSW Legislation website.
  • Browse by title or use the ‘name search’ to find current Regulations by title.
  • Use the ‘database search’ to run a full text search across all current Regulations.
  • Check the update status for legislation page to see when the database was last updated.
  • Once you are viewing an individual provision of an Regulation, click on ‘note-up’ to find cases considering that provision.



NSW Regulations as made

NSW Legislation
  • Coverage: 1990-
  • The Regulations can be browsed or searched. If browsing, note that Regulations are listed under the name of the enabling Act.
  • If you know the year and number of the Regulation, select ‘search as made’. Change the default from ‘current year’ to ‘all’ Regs, then use the ‘limit search to year’ and/or ‘No’ fields at the bottom of the screen.
  • PDF versions of Regulations as made are authorised from 2000 onwards. Earlier Regulations are not authorised. Database provided by NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office.
  • Coverage: 1990-
  • Browse by year or by title.
  • Use ‘name search’ to search the titles of Regulations.
  • Use ‘database search’ to search the full text of Regulations.
Legislation tables
  • Coverage: 1990-
  • Click on ‘NSW Statutory Instruments Made’ in the ‘Cumulative Annual Tables’ section, then enter the relevant date range. This will generate a list of all Regulations made in that period (listed by enabling Act) with links to the ‘as made’ version of the Regulation, plus the date it was notified in the Gazette / published on the Legislation Website (LW).
  • Provided by the NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office.



Point in time NSW Regulations (historical versions)

NSW Legislation
  • Coverage: 2002-
  • Browse by title in either the ‘browse in force’ or the ‘browse repealed’ section.
  • Once you have located the Regulation, click on the ‘historical versions’ link at the top of the screen.
  • HTML versions of Regulations are authorised (the ‘in force’ database includes historical versions). Database provided by NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office.
  • Coverage: 2002-  (Lawlex provides another way to access the NSW Legislation website)
  • Type in the name of the Regulation in the ‘keywords’ field and the year in the ‘year from’ field. Set the jurisdiction to ‘NSW’ and the document type to ‘principal Regulation’. If the Regulation has been repealed, select ‘include repealed / failed legislation’.
  • Each Regulation on Lawlex has a ‘home page’ – click on the ‘historical versions’ link to go to historical versions of the Regulation on the NSW Legislation website.
Legislation tables
  • Coverage: 2007- (index, with links to full text)
  • Click on the ‘NSW Principal Statutory Instruments in Force’ table, enter the relevant date, then click ‘generate table’. This will create a list of all Regulations in force on that date. Click on the relevant Regulation title to be taken to the historical version that relates to the date you selected.
  • Provided by the NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office.
  • Historical versions of Ordinance 70 and Ordinance 71, which were made under the Local Government Act 1919 (now repealed).
  • Ordinance 70 as at June 1973, February 1975, June 1983, July 1988 and January 1992.
  • Ordinance 71 as at June 1960 and September 1972.
  • The Legal Information Access Centre (LIAC) is part of the NSW State Library.



Repealed NSW Regulations

NSW Legislation
  • Coverage: Regulations repealed from 1 January 2002 onwards.
  • Browse by title in the ‘browse repealed’ section (underneath the ‘browse in force’ section). Once you have selected the relevant letter of the alphabet, you can type key words from the Regulation title in the ‘limit list to titles containing…’ box. This saves scrolling through a large number of Regulations.
  • Use the ‘search’ tab if you need to search the full text of Regulations – in the ‘what do you want to search’ section, change the default from’ in force’ Acts and Regulations to repealed Regulations.
  • HTML versions of these Regulations are authorised (they are somewhat paradoxically contained in the ‘in force’ database). Database provided by NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office.
  • Coverage: Regulations repealed from 1 January 2002 onwards (Lawlex provides another way to access the NSW Legislation website).
  • Type in the name of the Regulation in the ‘keywords’ field and the year in the ‘year from’ field. Set the jurisdiction to ‘NSW’ and the document type to ‘principal Regulation’.  Select ‘include repealed / failed legislation’.
  • Each Regulation on Lawlex has a ‘home page’ – click on the title to go to the Regulation on the NSW Legislation website.
  • Coverage: Regulations repealed from 1 July 2002 onwards.
  • Browse by title. You can also use the  ‘name search’ to search for Regulation titles (useful if you have incomplete information).
  • Use ‘database search’ to run a full text search.
Status of Statutory Rules
  • Lists in chronological order all statutory rules in force as at 1 July 1990 and all statutory rules that have been made after that date. Grouped in a number of tables, relating to the staged repeal program.
  • To see when a particular Regulation was repealed, locate the Regulation in the table (use Ctrl+F to save scrolling). Repeal details are given in the second last column of the table.
  • The table is maintained by the Parliamentary Counsel’s Office in connection with the program for the staged repeal of subordinate legislation under the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989.
Legislation tables
  • Coverage: Regulations repealed from 1 January 2007 onwards.
  • Click on ‘Repealed NSW Principal Statutory Instruments’ in the ‘cumulative annual tables’ section, then enter the date range you require. This will generate a list of all Regulations repealed in that date range. Click on the Regulation title to be taken to the last version of the Regulation prior to repeal.
  • Provided by the NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office.

Regulatory Impact Statements / Better Regulation Statements

Dept of Premier & Cabinet
  • Coverage: 2008-
  • List of publicly available Better Regulation Statements / Regulatory Impact Statements.
  • Listed by Department, then Agency.
NSW Government Directory



Last updated: 12 May 2014