Queensland Law Reform Publications

Law reform agencies review the law and make recommendations for new laws or changes to existing laws. If a law reform report leads to a bill being introduced into Parliament, then that report may be used when interpreting the Act. The Acts Interpretation Act 1954 (Qld) s 14B covers the use of extrinsic materials for statutory interpretation.

Sources of Queensland Law Reform Commission publications

Queensland Law Reform Commission
  • Coverage: 1969-
  • Includes Reports, working papers, miscellaneous papers and annual reports. Listed in reverse chronological order within each category.
  • See also current reviews.
  • Reports  1971-
  • Miscellaneous reports  1983-2007
  • Working papers  1969-
  • For each publication type:
  • Browse by title or by year.
  • Use ‘name search’ to search the titles of publications.
  • Use ‘database search’ to search the full text of publications.
  • Use AustLII’s law reform library to search across the different publication types.
  • Trove includes records of publications held in Australian libraries and available online (along with many other resources). The record for a particular organisation links to items published by that organisation and items about that organisation.
  • Queensland Law Reform Commission



Last updated: 8 November 2014