Queensland Parliamentary Publications


Hansard / Record of Proceedings

Hansard is traditionally a substantially verbatim record of the debates in Parliament. Since 12 February 2008, the Queensland Parliament has combined the Parliamentary Debates and the Votes & Proceedings (minutes) into one publication called the ‘Record of Proceedings’. It is still commonly called Hansard (source: Queensland Parliament FAQ)

  • Coverage: 1860- (being progressively digitised)
  • The advanced search allows you to search the full text of Hansard. Select ‘Hansard’ from the ‘what would you like to search’ menu, then select the relevant year or years. Pre-1990 documents are being added progressively. Hansard is currently searchable back to the 1950s, plus 1860-1863, though additional years are available for browsing.
  • Browse by date: select the relevant year from the drop down menu, then click on the relevant date. Note that some years have not been digitised yet, so there are gaps at various points.
  • Hansard indexes are available from 1990 onwards. Entries in the index give page numbers – use the table on the first page of the index to convert these to dates so that you can use the ‘browse by date’ feature described above.
  • Contains information about print holdings of Hansard in the National Library and State / Territory Libraries.



Votes & Proceedings / Journals

The Votes & Proceedings are the official record of proceedings in Parliament (i.e. the minutes). In the past, these volumes were sometimes called ‘Journals’. Since 12 February 2008, the Queensland Parliament has combined the Votes & Proceedings and the Parliamentary Debates into one publication called the ‘Record of Proceedings’ (though it is still commonly known as Hansard). Source: Queensland Parliament FAQ.

Parliament: Record of Proceedings (Hansard)
  • Coverage: 12 February 2008
  • Note: the Hansard coverage goes back further, but prior to 2008, the Votes & Proceedings were published separately.
  • Contains information about print holdings of the different series of Votes & Proceedings and Journals in the National Library and State / Territory Libraries.


Parliamentary Committee reports

The Queensland Parliament provides an introduction to the role and history of Committees.

  • If you know the name of the committee which authored the report, it is easiest to go to the committee page and click on the ‘inquiries’ tab to browse the reports. There are separate lists of current Committees and former Committees
  • The advanced search allows you to search across the different committees. Select ‘Committees’ from the ‘what would you like to search for’ menu, then choose whether to search across all committees or particular committees.
  • Latest Committee publications
  • Broadcasts of Committee hearings (requires Windows Media Player)
  • Trove includes records of publications held in Australian libraries and available online (along with many other resources). Some Parliamentary Committee reports are catalogued individually. If a committee report is not available online, you may be able to locate a print copy in a library.


Parliamentary Papers

  • Contains information about print holdings of Queensland Parliamentary Papers in the National Library and State / Territory Libraries.
  • Also includes information about indexes to Parliamentary Papers.
  • Trove includes records of publications held in Australian libraries and available online (along with many other resources). Some Parliamentary Papers are catalogued individually.


Standing Orders & Procedure Handbooks

Parliament – Procedures
  • Standing Orders and Sessional Orders.
  • Note that Sessional Orders take precedence over Standing Orders (for the duration of a Parliamentary session), so you may need to refer to both.
Parliamentary Procedures Handbook
  • Prepared by Parliamentary Services and available on the Dept of Premier & Cabinet website.
  • Check the currency of the information. You may need to refer to the current Standing Orders and sessional orders.


Fact Sheets

  • Includes fact sheets about the division of government, system of government, parliament, executive government, judiciary, elections and more.
  • Also includes selected longer papers, e.g. the abolition of the Upper House and the separation of powers.



Last updated: 21 April 2014